Gardall electronic safe instructions #605#

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To change the code 123456 to a new code, follow these simple instructions. (Make sure you have decided what your new code is before starting). Press the “start” button. Input your new 6-digit code. Hit the memory button inside the door. ( white or red square button) The instructions tell you to push the prog/enter code first and then enter Hi I have a Sure Safe electronic key pad safe, i have owned for about Can I change the combination on my electronic safe lock? If you cannot locate the instructions use our dialing / instructions page and see if you can determine Gardall Locks – Operating Instructions Microwave Safe Electronic Lock (New) combination, test it with your safe door open to make sure you have done it. Mechanical Combination Lock. Microwave Safe Electronic Lock (New). Microwave Safe Electronic Lock (Old). S & G 6120. GF5517 Dialing Instructions. 2 Jun 2010How To Change Your Code. Press74* Press the six digits of your original code, followed by #. Wait for the lock to beep 5 times. Press 1 * Press the six digits of your new code, followed by #. Wait for the lock to beep 3 times. Again press the six digits of your new code, followed by #. The lock will beep 3 times. Guardall is almost certainly Australia's very own premium security safe manufacturer. Our staff members design User Instructions. Digital Locks · view range Your safe is programmed with 2 user codes. The first one is 111111. The second one is 222222. You can change these codes to something that is easy for you 12 May 2011

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