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Yii 2 is famous for its capability to become web app that can cater various needs. But can anyone create a web app with the help of Yii? Make your own web application with the Yii Framework: Tutorial. Home; Blog; May 17, 2018 This will form a skeleton Yii application within the directory If you're asking, "what's Yii?" check out my earlier tutorial: Introduction to the Yii Framework, which reviews the benefits of Yii and includes an overview of what's new in Yii 2.0, released October 12th, 2014. This tutorial will walk you through installing Yii 2.0, setting up your local Yii provides some excellent features that are specific to the kinds of things you do in web and application development that simplify model building—especially when it comes to forms and databases; most of this we'll explore in later tutorials. YII Forms. YII Creating Form YII Ad hoc validation. YII Database. YII creating Database 1) Learn Java Learn Data Structures Learn C Programming Learn C++ Tutorial Learn C# Tutorial Learn PHP Tutorial Learn HTML Tutorial Learn JavaScript Tutorial Learn jQuery Tutorial Learn Spring Tutorial. I am following a tutorial and it is using bootstrap. I am not sure how I would resize textbox for Lan_Id, Name and Employee_Number in it. I think, I am starting to understand Yii framework. Yii 2 provides yiiwidgetsActiveForm class which is the best way to create forms based upon models. Another helper class yiihelpersHtml used to generate different html input fields. The article mainly defines the methods to generate different input fields in Yii 2. Create a form example in Yii. Ask Question 0. I've been struggling with creating a simple form that will later store data in the database, using Yii framework and none of the tutorials I have been following have been explanatory enough. I see you are new to Yii, try to follow the blog yii2 documentation: Render Ajax view. Example. Controller::renderAjax() method can be used to respond to an Ajax request.

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