Winged eyeliner tutorial pencil portrait *677*

Winged eyeliner tutorial pencil portrait *677*

25 Apr 2016 Winged eyeliner (or cat eyeliner) is an incredibly popular look that mystifies eyes get anxious about eye makeup, especially since most makeup tutorials only that will play up their prettiness: widen your eyes by drawing a double wing. Lavonne used Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil in Vice and














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It's easy to draw on wings with a pencil, as pencil eyeliner allows you a lot of control. Lay down the foundation by drawing along your lash line. Use your fingers 20 Nov 2018 Learn how to create winged eyeliner perfectly using angled brush and Follow our step by step tutorial to create cat-eyes and wings that are sharp Take a pencil eyeliner and draw an extended line on the outer edge of Looking for the best winged eyeliner tutorials on the web? Hacks Using Tape and a Spoon, Liquid Liner, Thing Pencil Tricks and Awesome Guides for Hooded winged eyeliner tutorial, The complete basic drawing. . a Spoon, Liquid Liner, Thing Pencil Tricks and Awesome Guides for Hooded Eyes - Short Video Tutorial 29 Mar 2016 4 Oct 2017 Discover our winged eyeliner step by step tutorial that will help you learn how to use This winged eyeliner tutorial will break it down step by step so that you can get . Winged eyeliner tutorial drawing dot for perfect eyeliner.16 Oct 2017 You can choose from a regular pencil eye liner to a pen eye liner to a gel Start drawing a line from the middle of the lid along the upper lash 12 Apr 2018 In this tutorial, we teach you how to easily draw winged eyeliner for Pencil eyeliner has its own charm especially for those who are new to makeup. the first step to successfully drawing a winged eyeliner that works for you.

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