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Tcl8.4.19/Tk8.4.19 Manual Tcl/Tk Applications The interpreters which implement Tcl and Tk. Tcl Commands The commands which the tclsh interpreter implements. The keywords from the Tcl/Tk man pages. Source More information about these man pages. In a CAE process material and property updating for larger model is a laborious process. So, using Tcl effort and time is largely reduced. There are different types of macros such as basic, advanced and more advanced, in basic macros, simple macros which run a sequential HyperMesh command file. And in advanced macros, using the Tcl/Tk TCL is shell application that reads TCL command from its standard input or from a file and gives desired results. TCL is string based scripting language and also a procedural language. It was first created by John Osterhout in 1989. The purpose of developing this language is easy embedded inti ( ) applications. Contact us to schedule an on Demand training. View All Products AcuSolve Collaboration Tools Compose, Activate, Embed Design FEKO FLUX HyperCrash HyperGraph HyperMath HyperMesh HyperMorph HyperStudy HyperView Inspire Form MotionSolve MotionView OptiStruct RADIOSS SimLab solidThinking TCL/TK VisSim Preface Altair Engineering Advanced HyperMesh 1 Preface Who should attend This course is designed for students who have attended HyperMesh Basic Design Automation of Blast Furnace using Tcl/Tk (HyperMesh) HyperMesh TCL/Tk programming integrating with Manual repetitive modelling of blast furnace is time The tutorial will be held in BSLC-018 The Tcl Reference Manual. Online manual pages. Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans. Don Libes. "A Debugger for Tcl Applications" in Proceedings of the Tcl/Tk Workshop. Berkeley: The University of California, 1993. • 8.2 Manual and On?line Tutorials • 8.3 World Wide Web sites • 8.4 Other documents & Frequently Asked Questions • 8.5 Newsgroup 9. Tcl/Tk License Terms 1. Introduction You will be able to access the Tcl/Tk manual pages through the m

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