Suffrage & Civil Rights Chapter 6, Section 3 15th Amendment • The purpose of the 15th Amendment (1870) was to grant suffrage to newly freed saves • White supremacists in the South devised many ways to prevent African Americans from voting Chapter 6, Section 3: Suffrage and Civil Rights 15 th Amendment: The right to vote cannot be denied to any citizen because of "race, color, or previous condition of servitude." However, the amendment did not come with any enforcement, thus barriers prevented Blacks from voting. Means to Prevent African-Americans from Voting: 1. Chapter 6: Voters and Voter Behavior Section 1: The Constitution and the Right to Vote Key Terms: suffrage; franchise; electorate A. The History of Voting Rights 1. In the early 1800s religious, property-ownership, and tax-payment qualifications were removed, and almost, but not all, all white males could vote. 2. CHAPTER Section 1 Guided Reading and Review The Right to Vote A. As You Read 13. the right to vote 14. the potential voting population Column 11 a. electorate b. franchise c. suffrage 13 Chapter 6, Section I Guided Reading and Review . Chapter 21, Section 2 Guided Reading and Review 31 A. As You Read Complete the outline by supplying the missing words or phrases in the blanks. Equal Protection Clause 1. Reasonable Classification—The government is allowed to _____, or draw distinctions, between groups, but it may not do so _____. 2. SECTION 1 GUIDED READING AND REVIEW THE RIGHT TO VOTE ANSWERS section 1 guided reading pdf Used for my year 3 class as guided reading for a week -chapter 1 of Kensuke's Kingdom. Section 1 Guided Reading and Review The Right to Vote A. As You Read The chart below illustrates the expansion of suffrage. As you read Section I , fill in the boxes provided Guided Reading and Review Chapter 6. Section 2 . NAME CHAPTER Section 3 Guided Reading and Review Suffrage and Civil
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