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Santeria: A Brief Beginners Guide to Santeria History, Practices, Deities, Spells and Rituals. A Condensed Santeria Guide for Beginners [Riley Star] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. If your knowledge of Santeria only goes so far as the reference in the 90s song by Sublime, you have a lot to learn. Spirits of the Dead: Palo Mayombe, a Mixture of African and Catholic Beliefs, Stirs Controversy Maya Kremen The Herald News October 17, 2002 where Hernandez said a "mambo," or spell, in a mix of Congo and Cuban slang, then slaughtered a chicken, rubbing the blood on Santiago's leg. Rituals and Spells of Santeria First Edition Edition. by Migene Gonzalez-Wippler (Author) › Visit Amazon's Migene Gonzalez-Wippler Page. Find all the books, read about the author, and more. See search results for this author. Are you an author? 150 magickal Spells Magick comes from all over the globe. There is not a culture or people that did not at one time possess a magickal tradition. And many cultures still have an active magickal element. Casting a spell come in virtually an unlimited number of forms. Some spells have words spoken; others may be thoughts. To Learn more about Voodoo & Hoodoo read, VOODOO & HOODOO by Jim Haskins or FAMOUS VOODOO RITUALS & SPELLS by H.U.Lampe. Both books are sold through Bayou Saint John Products. ~ Santeria ~ Santeria and Voodoo both are religions have much in common, in that they both came to America and evolved here in a similar manner. The success of spells depend upon the experience that the palero has acquired. Animal sacrifice is an important part of the rituals of Palo Mayombe and the Santeria religion in general. The Dark Side Of Santeria is a religous website that is for adults only, and by viewing the website Occult1 sells powerful magic / occult books online. Our occult magic books include: Sacred Books, Prayer & Psalm Books, Santeria Books, Orisha Books, Voodoo Books, Ritual Books, Archangel Boo

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