Pulse width modulation and demodulation lab manual

Pulse width modulation and demodulation lab manual

Lab 4: Pulse Width Modulation and Introduction to Simple Virtual Worlds (PWM) 2 Virtual Wall and Virtual Spring-Mass • Use eMIOS to generate Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signal to the motor - 24 channels with many different operating modes EXPERIMENT NUMBER 3 Pulse Amplitude Modulation & Demodulation (PAM) AIM: Conduct an experiment to generate PAM signal by varying the amplitude of the modulating signal and frequency of the sampling signal.Also design a circuit to demodulate the obtained PAM signal and verify sampling theorem.
















Pulse width modulation is also called pulse duration modulation. The proportion of 'on' time to a period of time is called duty cycle. Duty cycle is expressed in percentage. Duty cycle is the inverse of the frequency of the waveform. The switching frequency of pulse width modulation must be higher than the rate which would affect the power Pulse Width Demodulation Objective To study the and implementing a Pulse Width Demodulator. Introduction . The square generator and the monostable multivibrator circuits were used to generate the PWM signal. To recover the original audio signal from a PWM signal, a decoder or demodulator is need in the receiver circuit. PULSE MODULATION. INTRODUCTION Consist essentially of sampling analog information signals and then converting those samples into discrete pulses and transmitting the pulse from a source to a destination over a physical transmission medium Pulse modulation includes many different methods of converting information into pulse form for transferring pulses from a source to destination. 100 - D2 PWM and PPM PWM AND PPM ACHIEVEMENTS: generation and demodulation of pulse width modulated (PWM) and pulse position modulated (PPM) signals. PREREQUISITES: completion of the experiment entitled The sampling theorem (Volume A1). It would be an advantage if the experiment entitled lab will cover, analog to digital conversion, modulation, pulse shaping, and noise analysis 1. Signal Sampling

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