Pattern matching in clojure tutorial

Nonetheless, I really wanted something like Ocaml's / Haskell's pattern matching; it makes some code wonderfully concise. Accordingly, I hacked something up, based on Clojure's built-in destructuring. Some examples: Literal values match against the same value, while _ matches against any non-nil value (and nil matches against any nil one).
















Special forms have evaluation rules that differ from standard Clojure evaluation rules and are understood directly by the Clojure compiler. Headings for the special forms informally describe the special form grammar using regular expression syntax: ? (optional), * (0 or more), and + (1 or more). Non This paper presents a symbolic pattern matcher developed for Clojure. The matcher provides new types of function definition, new conditional forms and new iterative structures. We argue that pattern matching and unification differ in significant ways In Clojure, there is no pattern matching support for functions and forms in the core language. However, it is a common notion among Lisp programmers that we can easily modify or extend the language using macros. Clojure takes this approach as well, and thus pattern matching is made possible using the match and defun macros. Matchure is, a pattern matching library for clojure featuring: equality checks, sequence destructuring, map destructuring, regexp matches, variable binding, "instance of" checking, arbitrary clojure expressions, and boolean operators (and, or, not). The tables below are a reference to basic regex. While reading the rest of the site, when in doubt, you can always come back and look here. (It you want a bookmark, here's a direct link to the regex reference tables).I encourage you to print the tables so you have a cheat sheet on your desk for quick reference. Clojure uses the same regular expression syntax as Java, which is nearly the same as what Perl 5 (and Python, and Ruby) uses. You can read more about the specifics in the Java java.util.regex Pattern do

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