Mercury bought and sold thousands and thousands of four-cycle engines from Yamaha and sold them under the Mercury name. These engines had electrical systems which were not SmartCraft compatible. In about 2007 Mercury began to sell a 115-HP FOURSTROKE model that was a completely new and totally different engine, but they never changed the model The module sends engine data via Bluetooth to the mobile device. The module ($275) is available for purchase at participating Mercury Marine dealers, from the VesselView Mobile app or on The product is compatible with all Mercury SmartCraft-capable engines built since 2003. Mercury's patented Joystick Piloting System delivers 360 degree directional control. The Skyhook Digital Anchoring System holds your boat in a fixed position regardless of wind or current.Active Trim is the only auto-trimming program that uses GPS and speed.SmartCraft DTS (Digital Throttle & Shift) delivers precise handling and total control. GLS stock number 1015342 is a new Mercury Smartcraft wiring harness assembly, Mercury part number 84-859743A1. This cable is designed to integrate your fuel, oil and paddle wheel into the Smartcraft system. Please contact your Mercury dealer with any compatibility questions. Sold as seen in pictures. Operation Manual System View Version 1.XX SC5000. INTRODUCTION 1 GETTING STARTED 2 PROPULSION 3 VESSEL 4 NAVIGATION/FUEL 5 SETTINGS 6 SYSTEMS 7 INSTALLATION 8 A to Z INDEX 9 2001 Mercury Marine 90-879926 AUGUST 2001 CONTENTS Section 1 - Introduction Wiring Information for SmartCraft 8-4. 1 Unfortunately, hind-sight being 20/20 as it often is, there really wasn't any difference between the flows calculated by the 5208 or by the SmartCraft. Knowing what it took to install two GFS-10 sensors along with the network backbone, versus what I know now after completely installing a Mercury SmartCraft ECO MercMonitor at the helm, I never Range Extender kits are available for this system. A s
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