1960 Sunbeam Mixmaster Model 12 in Pink Here's a real nice , restored, optional pink 1960 Model 12 Sunbeam Mixmaster. It has been serviced, tested, and runs like a swiss watch. It comes with two pink bowls, & beater's, and the factory owner's manual. $250.00 plus shipping . Sunbeam MIxmaster Original Replacement Bowls You searched for: sunbeam mixmaster! Etsy is the home to thousands of handmade, vintage, and one-of-a-kind products and gifts related to your search. No matter what you're looking for or where you are in the world, our global marketplace of sellers can help you find unique and affordable options. In 1930 Ivar Jepson designed and built dozens of kitchen appliances, including the indomitable Sunbeam Mixmaster mixer. Goodman's carries a full line of Sunbeam mixer parts, mixmaster parts, beaters for mixers, mixing bowls, mixer cord, steel mixing bowls and more. You are buying a set of 2 Glasbake mixing bowls from a Sunbeam Mixmaster model 10A. They are marked on the bottom Glasbake made for Sunbeam. The smaller bowl is marked 20CJ and has a pour spout. The larger bowl is marked 19CJ and has two small handles on the sides of the bowl. Vintage SUNBEAM MIXMASTER Chrome 423A 12-Speed Mixer Complete 4 Beaters 2 Bowls. C $66.62; Vintage 1930s Sunbeam Mixmaster Model 3 with Glasbake Bowls & Juicer Attachment. C $99.95; Save sunbeam mixmaster manual to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. Vintage Sunbeam Mixmaster Oiling and Maintenance Information For models 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, and 12 (Most of these are scanned from original manuals, and most are FREE - help yourself!) Welcome to the Sunbeam Mixmaster maintenance page! Right now this information applies only to selected older metal models of these great mixers. Sunbeam 2388 Mixer User Manual. Open as PDF. of 56 MIXMASTER" STAND MIXER. Manuel . d'instructions. BATTEUR DE PIiDESTAL MIXMASTER are any partsstill available for this model Manual for the sunbeam juice extractor jse500 Spon
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