LEED® Green Associate Candidate Handbook, revised July 2012. Please read and understand the entire Handbook including all policies, procedures, and consequences. Changes to the Candidate Handbook. Summary of change LEED® AP Building Design + Construction Candidate Handbook, revised December 2011. Please read and understand the entire Handbook including all policies, procedures, and consequences. Changes to the Candidate Handbook Summary of change Section(s) affected Edition Candidates must be 18 years or over to take the exam Applying for Your Exam May 2010 LEED AP® ND Candidate Handbook 5 THE EXAM Exam Development A LEED AP is an individual who possesses the knowledge and skills necessary to support the LEED certification process. The development of a valid exam begins with a clear and concise definition of the knowledge, skills and abilities needed in order to successfully serve as a LEED AP LEED® Professional Accreditation Candidate Handbook 2 LEED AP Quick Reference • An outline of exam content and sample questions are available at www.gbci.org > LEEDuser's Guide to Passing the LEED v4 AP Exam. Log in or register to post comments; as per the LEED Green Associate Candidate Handbook: "LEED Green Associate Exam" is available at Green Exam Education.com for $69.98, and often available at a discounted price of $47.48 (32% off). LEED AP Building Design + Construction (LEED AP BD+C) Suited for professionals with expertise in the design and construction phases of green buildings, serving the commercial, residential, education and healthcare sectors. Click here to view the candidate handbook for more information. SITES® AP Candidate Handbook 4 Audits GBCI reserves the right to conduct an audit at any time (including prior to application submission and after credential has been granted) of all current and past exam applications. LEED Professional Candidate Handbook 4 THREE THINGS EVERY CANDIDATE SHOULD KNOW 1. For security purposes, please ensure your
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