Thank you for chosing IQOS Before you received your IQOS Heat Not Burn device there are a few key factors we highly recommend you read before using.Learn how IQOS works, find out more information on how the tobacco units also know More information on using IQOS device could be found at User Manual.
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The IQOS™ system works exclusively with HEETS™. HEATSTICKS™ . Never use the Holder with a cigarette. Never light a HEATSTICKS with a match, lighter or 27 May 2016 Blinking green: the manual or auto cleaning process is occuring. • iQOS Holder and Heater. Cleaning LEDs are blinking red together: indicates Device iQOS 2.4 PLUS 2018 from Philip Morris, smokeless heated tobacco. IQOS Manual, see here, plus video instruction: IQOS short instruction: Remove your charged IQOS Holder from the IQOS Pocket Charger. Insert a Heatstick into your IQOS Holder, tobacco-side down. Press and hold the English. 9 Feb 2017 I just bought a iQOS 2.4 plus in Japan while on vacation. Would someone be able to link me to or upload an English manual? Thanks! Iqos. Qos. Holder. Battery. Status. Heater Blade. Safety Warnings and Instructions included in this user guide cannot cover all possible conditions and situations
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