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Target a location to throw an orb in that direction. The first enemy hero hit by the orb is dealt 80 / 140 / 200 / 260 Magic Damage and Immobilized for 2 / 2.5 / 3 26 Sep 2013 Video Guide Back Circe the Deceiver - The Dread Goddess Circe watched the horizons grow bright with an unnatural glow. Storms of 20 Sep 2013 LOGIN TO SUBMIT A GUIDE. TOP 3 GUIDE. Venniie's Circe - The Mindset. POPULARITY: 100%. AUTHOR: Venniie. LAST EDIT: 07/02/18 · TOP 3 GUIDE. 13 May 2014 Circe. Type: Intelligence · Corrupted Disciple. Type: Agility · Cthulhuphant. Type: Strength · Dampeer. Type: Agility · Deadlift. Type: Strength · Deadwood. www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTx9oNYrB_U I want to again remind most of you viewing these guides that they are directed at players who26 Oct 2018 In ancient days it was the wanderers and adventurers who fell victim to the sorceress known as Circe the Deceiver, drawn to the island prison
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