Factors affecting the output rate of Spirulina platensis with reference to mass cultivation. Biomass, 10(4): 253-264. 1986 Richmond, A. Microalgal culture.CRC Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, Vol. 4, Issue 4: 369-438. Handbook of Microalgal Culture is truly a landmark publication, drawing on some 50 years of worldwide experience in microalgal mass culture. This important book comprises comprehensive reviews of the current available information on microalgal culture, written by 40 contributing authors from around the globe. Revival: Handbook of Microalgal Mass Culture (1986) - CRC Press Book. This handbook is devoted to the mass production of microalgae, and in my part, is based on some 10 years of experience in growing and studying microalgal cultures maintained at high polulation densities under laboratory Abstract. Microalgal cultures offer an interesting alternative for waste water treatment (urban, industrial or agricultural effluents) because they provide a tertiary biotreatment coupled with the production of potentially valuable biomass, which can be used for several purposes. In: Richmond A (ed) Handbook of microalgal mass culture. Boca Raton, CRC Press, pp 117-145 Google Scholar Vonshak A, Torzillo G, Masojidek J, Boussiba S (2001) Sub-optimal morning temperature induces photoinhibition in dense outdoor cultures of the alga Monodus subterraneus (Eustigmatophyta). CRC Handbook of microalgal mass culture Translate with. translator. This translation tool is powered by Google. FAO is not responsible for the accuracy of translations. CRC Handbook of microalgal mass culture [1986] handbook of microalgal culture applied phycology and biotechnology Download Book Handbook Of Microalgal Culture Applied Phycology And Biotechnology in PDF format. You can Read Online Handbook Of Microalgal Culture Applied Phycology And Biotechnology here in PDF, EPUB, Mobi or Docx formats. Handbook of Microalgal Culture is truly a landmark publication, drawing on some
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