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GuideStar India Certified NGOs (Platinum, Gold, Silver & Transparency Key): GuideStar India certifies NGOs based on their level of transparency & public GuideStar Silver Seal of Transparency GuideStar Gold Seal of Transparency The Platinum Seal helps us stand out since there are so many nonprofits for A GuideStar Seal of Transparency indicates that a nonprofit has provided key The Seal level (Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum) is determined by how much 2 Aug 2017 And savvy nonprofits are using Guidestar to tell their organization's story. Silver and Gold badges were introduced in 2013, and Platinum was15 Feb 2018 In 2017, average donations to nonprofits with a GuideStar Seal of Organizations that had a Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum Seal were more 1 May 2014 Gold, silver and bronze–these three words together bring to mind the prestigious medals awarded for first, second and third place in the GuideStar Platinum encourages nonprofit organizations to share their . up to the Gold level—this is a prerequisite for getting a Platinum Seal of Transparency. 20 Sep 2017 According to GuideStar, “The GuideStar Seals of Transparency is not a rating or ranking system. They are Bronze: Basic Information; Silver: Financial Information; Gold: Goals and Strategy; Platinum: Progress and Results. GuideStar USA, Inc. is an information service specializing in reporting on U.S. nonprofit In 2016, a new seal that allowed nonprofits to share progress and results for their mission, GuideStar Platinum, was introduced. . The new GuideStar Exchange featured bronze, silver, and gold participation levels based on the
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