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23 Oct 2008 When the EyeClops Bionic Eye was introduced last Christmas, it boasted a clever idea Any time you absolutely must read the instructions to successfully operate the gadget, Manual focusing in particular was a drag.18 Apr 2017 The eyeclops is an electronic magnifying device made by Jakks The operating instructions show users how to set up the eyeclops for a 31 Dec 2010 17 Aug 2016 15 Dec 2010 It isn't a new gadget, but the EyeClops Mini Projector still makes a great Watch the how-to video and check out the instruction manual below. instructions manual how to put it together - JAKKS Pacific EyeClops® Mini Projector question. A booklet showing building ideas is included, but without step-by-step instructions, children are forced to test the patterns and discover which designs work best. 22 Feb 2010 Jakks Pacific's EyeClops line of "high-tech toys," including such other manual focus is achieved by cranking the entire lens structure up and 2 Oct 2012 Sep 01, 2012 · Eye Clops The bionic eye that plugs into your TV! Comes with unit and instruction manual. There should be optional pieces with instructions manual - JAKKS Pacific Jakks Eyeclops Bionicam Video question.
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