Professional Development: Differentiated Instruction Milisa Sammaciccia Ismail, MEd. 1 August 2011 well lit and, fosters collaboration; • "Technology will enable teachers and administratorsto share ideas, strategies, and tools with one another in ways that will dramatically increase Powerpoint slides. Retrieved from How to differentiate instruction in mixed-ability classrooms. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. What it is? why is it important? how can technology help? A student-centered classroom fosters differentiation of instruction because the students are more likely to become actively engaged in the learning process. Due to technological advances students have more tools to succeed and differentiate instruction. Name of Technology Tool: Presentation Software (Prezi, Powerpoint) There are many tools that Technology Integration; 6 Strategies for Differentiated Instruction in Project-Based Learning. By Andrew Miller. February 8, 2012 Updated January 8, 2016 Photo credit: Laurie Sullivan via flickr (CC BY 2.0) you will intuitively find ways to differentiate instruction for your students Vrasidas, C. (2000). Constructivism versus objectivism: Implications for interaction, course design, and evaluation in distance education. technology to communicate will influence success in distance instruction, (2) Select the useful learning experiences, (3) Chart and Diagram Slides for PowerPoint - Beautifully designed chart and diagram s for PowerPoint with visually stunning graphics and animation effects. Our new CrystalGraphics Chart and Diagram Slides for PowerPoint is a collection of over 1000 impressively designed data-driven chart and editable diagram s guaranteed to impress any audience. Small-group instruction is more ef-fective than whole-group instruction because teachers can • differentiate instruction to meet each student's needs, • better match instruction to each student's level, and • respond to children's read
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