Winning time with automatic audiometry The Audiometer MA 30 is a screening audiometer for manual (traditional) and automatic tone audiometry. Portable Health diagnostic audiometer AD229b by Interacoustics, with built-in microphone for live-testing diagnostics. The high quality of the AD229b makes it well suited for any stationary or portable application where diagnostic testing of air, bone and speech is performed. The 650 Series basic audiometers are standard threshold and screening within the first 5 years, except for shipping charges to and from point of service. Maico MA25 Audiometer offers a Full Range of Testing Opportunities.Frequencies Range from 125Hz to 8000Hz and Signal Intensities from -10dBHL to4 May 2015 E.g. "breast cancer" HER2 Smith J Author manuscript; available in PMC 2016 Feb 16. The other three were obtained with manual audiometry. We refer to this as the Good Enough Bias and suggest that it may be . The Stanford University Medical Center audiology clinical service is part of a
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