The new version of the TT320X-AG from AstroTrac is distinguished from the The TT320X Instruction Manual gives full details of the polar alignment procedure.
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Thank you for purchasing your AstroTrac. TT320X - an easy to use, highly portable and accurate sky tracking mount. We hope it will give you many hours of 1 May 2018 AstroTrac TT320X-AG allows you to capture pinpoint stars easily with microprocessors running at 20 and 16 million instructions per second. You might want to try the manual guide tool with different pulse sizes to see if .. while searching for info to autoguide my Astrotrac TT320x-AG with a QHY5L. 19 Nov 2013 Nightscapes using AstroTrac Tracking Mount - By Steve Perry Then I stumbled upon the AstroTrac TT320X-AG Kit. While it isn't cheap, (coming in at just over Explore frequently asked questions and troubleshooting tips when using the AstroTrac for your astrophotography. WildImages • Contributing Member • Posts: 515. AstroTrac User Manual for TT320X AG. Feb 12, 2013. Does anyone have a software manual for this device? AstroTrac TT320-AG mountingSuper Accurate Unguided TrackingThe high performance microprocessors running at 20 and 16 million instructions per second.Erwin Matys, Karoline Mrazek The Astrotrac: Our Astrotrac is a TT320X-AG model, manufactured by Richard Taylor in UK. Before.
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