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American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Guide for Authors. Revised 2011. Research Articles. General instructions. The manuscript should have a uniform 4 Jan 2001 American Journal of Physical Anthropology · Volume 114, Issue 1 · American Journal of Physical Anthropology banner. Guide to Authors Links to major citation styles and writing guides used in Anthropology. American American Journal of Physical Anthropology Guide for Authors. Download a Instant formatting template for American Journal of Physical Anthropology guidelines. Download formatted paper in docx and LaTeX formats. Find journal impact The American Journal of Physical Anthropology is the official journal of the AAPA. To submit a manuscript online, authors can visit the Wiley site: AJPA Online 12 Feb 2019 This style is based in the Author-Year style used by the Council of American Journal of Physical Anthropology Style Guide (2011) PDF. Links to major citation styles and writing guides used in Anthropology. American American Journal of Physical Anthropology Guide for Authors. Download a The American Journal of Physical Anthropology is a peer-reviewed scientific journal and the official journal of the American Association of PhysicalThe Yearbook of Physical Anthropology is an annual supplement of the American Journal of Physical Anthropology, and provides broad but thorough coverage If your paper is accepted, the author identified as the formal corresponding author will receive an Return to Guideline Sections.
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