Ad carry guide mobafire teemo

Why do League of Legends players hate Teemo? and the most he can do down bottom lane is ward with his mushshrooms and use his blinding dart to disable the AD carry's auto attacks
















How often your champion exits early game ahead of the opponent champion. We calculate this using a combination of heuristics including first tower down, average K/D/A, Gold, CS, and EXP Differentials. What is a viable build for Teemo vs. Teemo? You can also play AD Teemo with a standard AD Carry rune page but I don't recommend playing it since Teemo scales too well with AP to be played as AD. Also you will most likely lose to an AP Teemo as AD Teemo. While AD Teemo benefits from Teemo isn't really that bad, if the area of teamfights is with his mushrooms and own team can protect him enough for him to burst. AP Teemo is one hell of a burst, AD carrys are disabled for a good while with the single Q, mushrooms are nice add to the CC, poison ticks today quite hard. For League of Legends on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Me: Teemo isn't an AD carry -.-". Why pick AD teemo over AP? - League of Legends Community. AP Teemo is a one trick pony, where AD Teemo is a perfectly serviceable AD carry. In top lane, AD Teemo adds a second AD carry to the team, which is very valuable. Regarding shrooms and Blinding Dart is missing their true purpose; wards and blind. According to GorillA, Teemo support is the best way to climb during preseason. Teemo support is the best way to climb during preseason. or Miss Fortune being the best AD Carry, solo queue Marksman (AD Carry) Page. Currently, Fervor is the strongest AD mastery. This will be the most optimal setup for any AD Carry outside of caster AD Carries. Marksman (AD Carry) Page [2] This AD page is best utilized on Jhin, Varus, and Miss Fortune. Support (Crowd Control) This page abuses the new mastery implemented in the pre-season. Teemo is a legend among his yordle brothers and sisters in Ba

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